Agreeing to these terms is an obligatory prerequisite for our collaboration.
Collaborator: An individual who engages in cooperation with S.C. Expo Media Agency S.R.L. for the purpose of conducting mystery shopping visits.
Beneficiary: S.C. Expo Media Agency S.R.L. is the recipient of data collected through mystery shopping visits.
1.1. Collaborator's Responsibilities: The Collaborator commits to conducting mystery shopping visits for the Beneficiary in good faith, adhering to the terms mutually agreed upon with the Beneficiary.
1.2. Beneficiary's Responsibilities: The Beneficiary commits to clearly defining the operational parameters of a project and furnishing the Collaborator with all necessary information for the successful execution of the mystery shopping project. The Beneficiary also undertakes to remunerate the Collaborator for their services as per the agreed terms.
1.3. Confidentiality Clause: The Collaborator pledges to maintain the confidentiality of their actions and the data acquired during and after the visit. Additionally, the Collaborator agrees to keep their identity as a mystery shopper, as well as the identities of the Beneficiary and any other individuals, companies, or legal entities, confidential. Any other information specified as confidential during a project cannot be disclosed to a third party without written consent from the Beneficiary.
1.4. Payment: Payment will be rendered upon completion of the project, in accordance with the agreed-upon terms.
In accordance with Law no. 677/2001 concerning the processing and free circulation of personal information, completing this registration form signifies explicit and unambiguous consent for the processing of information for marketing purposes throughout the program's duration and after its conclusion.
S.C. Expo Media Agency SRL retains the right to utilize members' information stored in the virtual database for activities related to program administration. This information shall not be disclosed to other recipients. Throughout the study and after its completion, participants possess the following rights: the right to information, access to their data, protection against individual decisions, recourse to legal action, the right to object to data processing, and the right to intervene regarding submitted data. Via a written, dated, and signed petition, participants can request confirmation once a year, free of charge, regarding the processing status of their information.
As per Law no. 677/2001 for safeguarding individuals in relation to the processing of their personal data and its free circulation, and Law no. 506/2004 pertaining to personal data processing and private life protection in the electronic communication sector, entering your personal information on the website implies explicit and unequivocal consent for personal data processing for marketing purposes throughout the mystery shopping study. Expo Media Agency SRL is registered under Law no. 677/2001 as a personal data operator, bearing registration number 21935.
For inquiries, please contact us at office[at] .
If you have reviewed the terms of collaboration and wish to become a mystery shopper for Mystery Shopping Agency, kindly indicate your agreement below to proceed with the registration form or click the "I agree" button to initiate the registration process.
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